Is It Illegal To Make Fake Pay Stubs?

Are you looking to be approved for a loan? If so, you're probably aware that most lenders require you to provide recent pay stubs to verify that you're gainfully employed. So what do you do if you own or work for a small business that lacks the capital to invest in pricey accounting software? Your first answer might be to generate a few fake pay stubs on your own, but this is neither the ethical nor the legal response.
Rather, it's best to trust your financial information to a reputable pay stub generator that can turn your earnings into an accurate statement that serves as a pay stub in lending scenarios. Ready to learn more? Let's get started!
Why Fake Pay Stubs Just Don't Pay
One of the most common reasons people turn to fake pay stubs is unemployment. Put simply, when you're out of work, you'll have no job-related documentation to show a lender. That could leave you denied for that auto or mortgage loan you need. You may be tempted to hop online and watch a YouTube tutorial showing you how to create fake stubs filled with made-up numbers and a fictitious company name.
Yet, as difficult as the situation may be, it's best to be upfront and honest with your bank rather than hide behind a guise that's full of holes. The main reason? If you're caught, you could face hefty fines to the tune of $1 million, not to mention serious jail time of 30 years or more.
Fake Employer Schemes
Using fake stubs to collect disability benefits or file insurance claims? You could be in the middle of an illegal fake employer scheme. In this system, a person or group of people sell fake pay stubs and other phony employment documents to out-of-work persons looking for quick cash.
If you're working with an under-the-table stub generator, think twice about this illegal move. The quick fix could result in a long line of miserable consequences, costing you much more than you ever claimed to make.
Help for Small Business Owners
But, what if you're not unemployed? What if you work for a small business that simply hasn't sprung for the costly and cumbersome accounting software required to generate pay stubs? In that case, there are reputable and recognized professional accounting firms that can take your earning information and turn it into a legitimate pay stub that's anything but fraudulent.
Given that the data you present to these companies is accurate, these types of documents are not considered fake pay stubs. Keep in mind, however, that if you intend to use them for legal purposes, you may need to get them certified by the company whose name is on the stub.
Need a Professional Pay Stub Generated? Contact Us Today!
If you're in need of an accurate pay stub but lack the software to make one yourself, we'd love to help. We're a national accounting firm with a reputation for quality and professional service. For a modern variety of check stubs, try our paystubs generator today!